Fastees Polo T-Shirts

Fastees Polo T-Shirts

Tipline Double Tipped Polo T-Shirt

Tipline Double Tipped Polo T-Shirt

Fastees Full Sleeves Polo T-Shirt


‌Cover cooler environments with a long sleeve version of our most popular rich cotton polo t-shirts with Duranit process fabric, FAS-TEES full sleeves polo gives a comfortable feel to the body and keeps you active through the day. DURANIT process imports superior wash fastness, color fastness, shrinkage control and abrasion resistance to the fabric making it an ideal choice for Corporate, Promotional & Uniform Use.

Product Type Ready Stock
Customization Options Embroidery
Usual Delivery Time 3 to 5 Working Days
Brands PikMee
Tax Additional 5% Extra